“Empowering every student,
Teaching and
The North Marion School District has worked to create a comprehensive assessment system that provides for teachers and families an accurate picture of their students' knowledge and skills, as well as their progress towards meeting state standards and learning targets. Our assessment system is made up of three components: Classroom, School Based, and State Assessments.
Classroom based assessments included both formative and summataive assessments. Formative Assessments are quick informal assessments of learning and progress. Summative assessments are used at the end of a course of study, and determine the student's mastery of the subject matter.
School based Universal Assessments are given to all students. These assessments, like EasyCBM or Dibels, are designed to give schools baseline information on a student's skill level in areas like reading and math. These scores and then used to track student growth, and provide appropriate interventions.
State and Federal Standardized Assessments are administered towards the end of the year, and provide schools with a powerful overview of student learning and growth. These tests can be used to determine placement, set goals, and identify potential interventions. At the HS level, scores on the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) in Reading and Math can be used to satisfy state graduation requirements. Click here for copy of our District State Assessment Calendar O en español
Students are assessed using the Smarter Balanced Assessment in the areas of Reading, Writing, and Math 3rd-8th and 11th grade. Students are also assessed in Science through the OAKS Science Assessment in 5th, 8th, and 10th grades. Students who are English Language Learners are also assessed on the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) yearly until they exit the English Language Development program. This year families have the option of opting out of the Smarter Balanced Assessment. For more information, click here.
We know that assessments cannot possibly tell us everything about your child’s academic progress. However, the results do act as a snapshot of your child’s strengths and areas for improvement and can be used as a way to ensure he or she is getting the supports he or she needs. Additionally, the tests help North Marion School District’s efforts to equitably distribute resources and support student learning.
Last spring, students in North Marion School District and around Oregon took new state tests in English Language Arts and Math, called Smarter Balanced. The tests move away from previous fill-in-the bubble exams that focused on rote memorization, to a format which asks students to explain their reasoning and write out their answers. These new tests measure more complex, real-world skills such as critical-thinking, writing, and problem solving so that your child can successfully transition from grade to grade and be prepared for his or her next steps after high school. For more information on our assessment system, Smarter Balanced Assessments, or our Opt Out policy, please visit our links below!
The Smarter Balanced Assessments
From the Oregon Department of Education
What is Smarter Balanced?
Oregon is part of a team of states working together voluntarily to develop K-12 assessments in English language arts/literacy and mathematics aligned to Oregon’s Common Core State Standards. These tests are called Smarter Balanced assessments. Delivered online, these tests include questions that adapt to each individual’s performance and feature new “Performance Tasks” that mimic real world application of students’ knowledge and skills.
How are Smarter Balanced tests different from our old tests?
Our students deserve better tests, ones that measure high-level skills rather than the ability to memorize facts or deduce answers from lists. More importantly, our students deserve tests that give them the opportunity to show what they know and can do. Smarter Balanced tests go above and beyond filling in multiple choice bubbles and actually showcase students’ thoughts and explanations for how they solve problems. Here’s how:
Aligned to more challenging standards, Smarter Balanced tests better measure what skills and knowledge our students need to be successful in the 21st Century.
Test questions come in many different forms, and allow students to interact with graphs and type in their own responses in addition to selecting answers from traditional multiple choice lists. Essay questions ask students to use evidence from multiple sources of texts to create their arguments and explain their reasoning.
Developed with experts to include tools and supports that address visual, auditory, and physical access barriers, Smarter Balanced tests are designed to meet the needs of all students.
Opting Out of the
Smarter Balanced Assessments
House Bill 2655 permits parents and adult students to annually opt-out of Oregon’s statewide summative tests in English Language Arts and Math by submitting this form to the school the student attends. The school shall provide any student who is exempted from a state test with supervised study time while other students are testing. Click here to learn more about House Bill 2655.
As you are making the decision of whether or not to opt out please consider the impact on your student and the school. When fewer students take the test, we are left with an incomplete and inaccurate picture of how our students are performing, and this limits our ability to address issues, better serve students, and continue to improve our educational system. It also leaves us with an incomplete picture of the students' abilities, and how we can best meet their needs through interventions and services.
If you are considering opting out, we would encourage you to find out more about the Smarter Balanced Assessments. Links to resources can be found on this page, or you can contact the NM District Testing Coordinator Desiree Kiesel at desiree.kiesel@nmarion.k12.or.us. If you determine opting out is the best decision for your student, please fill out the Opt Out Form, and return it to the front office by February 1st, 2016.